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The Bud Journey

The Bud Journey: The Making of Cannabis from Harvest to Lab

In recent years, cannabis cultivation and consumption have seen remarkable changes, as more people recognize its recreational and potential therapeutic advantages. But before cannabis products make it to your hands, they undergo a careful process of harvesting and testing to ensure they meet quality and safety standards. Let’s dive into the detailed steps of cannabis harvesting and the thorough testing it goes through

Harvesting Cannabis

The journey of cannabis begins with harvesting. This crucial step requires careful timing and precision to maximize potency and quality.Cannabis plants are typically harvested when the flowers, known as buds, reach their peak potency. The harvest timing is crucial and varies depending on the desired outcome. For recreational use, plants are often harvested when the trichomes, resin glands containing cannabinoids like THC and CBD, are fully developed. Alternatively, the harvest may be timed for specific medicinal purposes to optimize the concentration of particular cannabinoids or terpenes with therapeutic properties. Harvesting


Cannabis can be harvested manually or using mechanical methods. Manual harvesting involves hand-trimming the buds from the plant, offering greater precision but requiring more labor.On the other hand, mechanical harvesting utilizes specialized equipment to cut and collect the flowers efficiently, albeit potentially less selectively.

Drying and Curing

The Bud Journey

After harvesting, cannabis buds undergo drying and curing processes to remove excess moisture and enhance flavor and potency. Buds are typically hung upside down in a controlled environment with proper ventilation to facilitate drying. Once dried, they’re cured in airtight containers to develop complex flavors and aromas while reducing moisture content.

Testing Cannabis

Once harvested and cured, cannabis undergoes rigorous testing to ensure compliance with regulatory standards and safety for consumers. Potency testing determines the concentration of cannabinoids present in the cannabis product, primarily THC and CBD. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and gas chromatography (GC) are commonly used techniques for cannabinoid analysis, providing accurate measurements

Purity Testing

 Purity testing identifies and quantifies any contaminants present in the cannabis, including pesticides, heavy metals, and microbial contaminants. Various analytical methods, such as mass spectrometry and microbial testing, ensure the product is free from harmful substances.

Terpene Profiling and Residual Solvent Analysis

Terpenes, aromatic compounds found in cannabis, contribute to its flavor and aroma profile. Terpene profiling analyzes the composition of terpenes present, providing valuable insights into the product’s sensory attributes and potential effects. Additionally, residual solvent analysis detects any leftover solvents used during the extraction process for cannabis extracts. Thorough testing ensures that solvent residues are within safe limits, minimizing health risks for consumers.


The journey of cannabis from harvest to testing is a meticulous process that involves precise timing, careful handling, and rigorous analysis. By adhering to stringent standards and regulations, the cannabis industry ensures that consumers have access to high-quality products that meet safety and potency requirements. Exodus prides itself on using the best of the best for all of our hemp products, from flower to vape; we have you covered. Through continued advancements in cultivation, harvesting, and testing practices, the cannabis industry can further enhance product quality and consumer confidence in this rapidly evolving market.