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What Are Mushroom Gummies Good For?

What Are Mushroom Gummies Good For?

There are three popular types of mushrooms outside the culinary world: magic shrooms, mushroom supplements, and recreational mushrooms. A magic shroom is popular in the black market, while mushroom supplements can be found anywhere vitamins are sold. However, we’ll explain what recreational mushrooms are good for and provide valuable insights.

What Are Recreational Mushrooms?

What Are Recreational Mushrooms?

A recreational mushroom is often mistaken with magic shrooms, but the difference is that one is legal, and the other is not. Recreational mushrooms don’t have psilocybin, but they’re still able to take you on a magical ride.

Recreational mushrooms are a blend of mild mushroom extracts that are a lot milder in intensity but they can turn trippy depending on how many you take.

Where To Buy Recreational Mushrooms

You can find recreational mushrooms at most smoke shops or online retailers. However, we manufacture our mushroom gummies and recently released our very own blend of mushrooms called Mushy Drops.

Most places require you to be at least 18 years or older, depending on where you live. Also, this applies to purchasing mushrooms online. What’s cool is that people are just getting into mushrooms, so you’ll probably find some good deals on them.

What Do Recreational Mushrooms Feel Like?

What Do Recreational Mushrooms Feel Like?

You’ll find most blends of mushrooms have a very chill and laid-back vibe. You’re able to microdose them, but the more you take the more intense the experience. Most newcomers often want to know if they’ll make you hallucinate and what’s the best way to take them.

Will Recreational Mushrooms Make You Hallucinate?

Legal mushrooms that are purchased on Exoclub or well-established smoke shops are meant to trip you out. Although most mushroom products have trippy names, they are often attributed to the sensation and are generally safe to consume.

Therefore, it’s crucial to make legal purchases from reputable places and brands to avoid consuming questionable ingredients. Most mushroom products provide mellow vibes, but who knows what type of trippy experience you’ll have if you take too much.

Different Mushrooms for Different Vibes

The biggest difference between mushroom gummies and mushroom vapes is how fast they hit and your preference. We’ve discovered that gummies tend to take longer for the vibes to settle when compared to vapes.

Gummy Mushrooms

One of the most popular ways to consume mushrooms is through gummies. Although it takes longer to settle in, it can be very intense when they finally do. This means you’ll want to pace yourself and take the suggested amount before you dive in head first.

If you’re sensitive to other products like THC-A Gummies or other types of THC, you’ll want to start slow. We understand that our gummies taste good, but we want you to have a good time. Therefore, we recommend you take it slow before you turn up.

Vape Mushrooms

Another popular mushroom product is the vape. We have so many to choose from because our fan base tends to prefer our vapes. Although they are popular it doesn’t mean they are the strongest. Typically, anything you ingest tends to hit you harder.

The biggest draw to our Mushroom Vapes is the flavors + experience. When inhaling any compound, it typically hits within the first 10 – 15 minutes. This means you have a better way of gauging whether or not you should take more. However, that’s not always the case with gummies because people tend to get impatient and take more.

What Are The Benefits of Recreational Mushrooms?

What Are The Benefits of Recreational Mushrooms?

The biggest benefit of recreational mushrooms is the convenience of knowing you can take them without feeling harassed and the vibes they produce.

Legal Recreational Mushrooms

As of right now, we only know of one state that allows legal mushrooms is Oregon. The state decided to decriminalize psilocybin and also legalize it for supervised non-medical use. Therefore, if you live outside of Oregon, getting your hands on those types of shrooms is tough.

We provide a legal alternative that doesn’t contain psilocybin. Still, they do provide the trippy vibes. What we’re calling legal recreational mushrooms is not the same as Oregon, but it’s still trippy nonetheless.

Source: Oregon launches legal psilocybin

Mushroom Vibes

Our mushrooms are becoming one of our best sellers because of the vibes. Pure THC is great, and CBD is chill, but these compounds are in a league of their own. We live in a fast-paced world and are distracted by the media and the different outlets battling for our attention.

What better way to escape our bubble than with some natural mushrooms? They not only set the vibe but also help put you in the right headspace. What headspace is that? We’ll let you decide.

How to use Mushrooms

Here is a breakdown of how to use the mushy drops of gummy mushrooms. We have different recommendations based on what you’re hoping to accomplish.

Exodus Mushy Drops Serving Suggestion

Microdosing Mushrooms

The point of microdosing mushrooms is to get a slight sensation without going into that deep realm. You can still get stuff done, but you’ll be a lot more chill – ideally, enjoying a movie, chores around the house, etc. Something that doesn’t require much focus.

Macrodosing Mushrooms

Macrodosing is anything above 3 or more Mushy Drop gummies. We recommend macrodosing if you’ve cleared your schedule and don’t have anything else to do.


What Are Mushroom Gummies Good For? - Conclusion

The world of mushrooms is a trippy and fascinating one. It’s filled with all sorts of colors of the law and benefits. Mushroom gummies are best for someone looking for a chill experience and trippy experience. Our recreational mushrooms are chill, legal, and a vibe.

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